BASIC OR PRO, which one are you?

Since the very beginning, our goal has always been to offer be best experience for our clients or new clientes. That's why we made the perfect plan for each and anyones needs.

Planes de Laycos: BASIC & PRO

We created 2 different plans: BASIC & PRO.


Created exclusively for direct and private communication between the HR area and the employees of the organization.

Access to files

Internal communications

Automatic upload of payroll and annual certificates

Chat and Videoconference

Plan PRO

A plan that allows all the internal users of the company (employees) to create all kinds of communication networks.

Chat and videoconference

Task manager


Document manager

Project manager

And believe us when we tell you, that with access to more and more. Our super development team works very fast and we are continually adding functionality to this plan.

Do you want to learn more about Laycos, please contact us and we will guide you further.

This post was originaly written by Guayarmina Peña