digital transformation laycos mobile app, work smart

Download the Laycos App© for free and start working wherever you want.

It’s becoming more frequent to work as a relocated person and to travel more because your business or company is growing, your clients are geographically dispersed, or simply, you need to access a document or conversation and you are not physically at the office, or maybe you don’t have a computer. Well, to make these circumstances easier, we have improved our Laycos mobile app©.

Recently we have released a new version. Now, this design is more attractive and user-friendly, but also quicker, with a very few clicks you will find everything you need to stay update.

You can take Laycos in your pocket and see how your projects go, you can respond to any questions, want to exchange files or download whatever you need to work, anywhere. You only need internet connection and remember off course your username and password 😉


If we haven’t convinced you yet, take a look at this:

The main menu with essential elements

Look how easy you see any incoming Messages:


If you have any new Chat messages:


See instantly if you have any news on your Network:


Or if you were mentioned or invited to a new network, etc.


I recognize that I love the functionality of Attachments and clip icons. You can choose all types of files that are displayed in miniature, and once there, you can go to the activity in which it was originally shared, even download the document to resend it to others or just continue working.


Have you already downloaded our new App©? It’s now available for our users on Android and iOS, so start today!

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Sobre Laycos International

  • Spain