How to organize your Marketing with Laycos

In a Marketing department several professional profiles intervene so that a single action goes ahead:

✔️ Marketing director.

✔️ Community Manager.

✔️ Designer.

✔️ Web developers.

✔️ Web analyst.

✔️ External suppliers.

✔️ Sales department

In very large companies, the number of people on whom a task progresses would triple: creatives, SEO/SEM specialist, content marketing specialist, video and audio editor...

Or even a blog article, a publication on social networks, attendance at an event or follow-ups of contacts with the commercial area.

In international companies, the equipment can be replicated for each country, depending on the headquarters.

How are they organized?

It's no secret, the meetings, emails with a copy to 1,000 and video conferences, if part of the team is not in the same office.

Sometimes a first meeting is necessary to serve as a starting point when there are important developments in the area or a new project is tackled for everyone.

The day-to-day work of professionals in this department goes by very quickly if you don't work with the maxim of being productive. The deadlines are the daily bread and the novelty of a creation or action last for a very defined time.

If something is not readjusted immediately (Google Ads) or does not go out on date (broadcast of a specific campaign for Mother's Day) the company will be losing money or the opportunity to earn it.

Therefore, internal communication is the basis of all actions in the marketing area.

Why use an Communication Platform?

Corporate social network, business communication platform, digital workplace, communication tool, project management software ... we will find this renowned technology with the most diverse names.

In essence we are talking about a communication platform that allows internal communication between teammates and managers, as well as external communication suppliers, freelancers, and the progress of each project, centrally, but organized.

Everything in Laycos, that simple.

At Laycos, a communication and project management platform, we have spent years centralizing all the communication generated by the marketing area through 2 essential networks:

Laycos International 2020

We use one for each year.

In this network we deal with everything related to the web and the blog, as well as information and development of ideas hand in hand with commercial and the strategy to follow in social networks and events.

The networks allow, in turn, to break down or segment the work in topics, in Laycos we call them groups of the network.

And when we conclude what is stated in a publication or also called activity, we close the activity and we can choose not to view it, but only see what is pending.

It is one way, of so many that Laycos offers, to keep track of what is being done.

Marketing International 2020

In the network Marketing International 2020 we deal with other issues related to attendance at events, organization of courses or webinars and collaborations or advertising agreements in digital and offline media.We usually create a specific group for each congress attendance or sponsorship, as well as, we have budgetary control from a specific group.

The image shows that the group Previous Analysis Laycos Actions is selected. Here we discuss everything related to an action before investing in it. If you get the go-ahead, we open a new group and develop it.

In my case, Laycos marketing is planned, organized and executed from these 2 networks. Design, consulting, sales colleagues are present only in groups that must work or be aware.

Having them all in Laycos makes it much more simple and efficient. There are many things you don't need to get together for to get ahead.

In addition, everything is in writing, easy to locate, for when you have to go back to remember a decision or rescue a specific document.

I could continue explaining what Laycos makes it easy for us to organize the marketing area: the use of the chat that we Marketing members have for specific clarifications or the group calendar, which is accessed by all blog authors, to review your assigned release dates... but this is just the short version.

I hope this post will help people that, because there is no time to lose, only a lot to gain.

This blog was originally written by Guayarmina Peña.