7 Reasons you will NOT want to use Laycos, or do you?

I don't think we did go blind, I think we are blind, Blind but seeing, Blind people who can see, but do not see. - José Saramago

For some, the digital revolution is a big issue, we are talking about corporate social networks, digitization, and the truth is that in some cases we are still very far from understanding why make a shift towards digital networks. If it's working now for us, why should we change?

The truth is that you don't need it, or do you?

The World Is About to Change Even Faster.

It is easy to ignore not only the speed at which disruption caused by technology is affecting society, but the acceleration in the pace of change.

Next, I will give you 7 reasons, in case you don't want to join this insane change, so don't do it.

Make an internal change in your organization

Implementing a corporate social network will get you out of your comfort zone, leading you to new ways of working and collaboration within your organization. It is a change that will give you higher expectations, and increases the skills of your employees so they will be more productive in every single way.

Conclusion: If you are comfortable at this moment and you don’t want your company to grow, forget about Laycos.

Clear objectives

Using a social network makes it easier for employees to contribute and work together with colleagues. Here they can share any information needed to finish a project.

Conclusion: If you don't want to improve the communication between teams in your organization, forget about Laycos.

Management involvement

Your support and participation as a Director are fundamental for your employees. You have to encourage them to work together as a team.

Conclusion: If you are one of those bosses who does not care about changes in your company, nor about team development, you will not have an interest in implementing a social network, and let's not talk about Laycos.

Best results

Laycos allows you to have everything organized in one place. This requires less effort and increases the productivity and performance at your company.

Conclusion: If you don't want to reduce meetings, increase the participation of your employees, and if you especially love endless search for a email, do not even think about using Laycos.

Access to everything

Are you traveling or in a meeting far from the office? No problem, you can access easily from your mobile, tablet and laptop. Laycos also has an application for Andriod and iOS.

Conclusion: If you like to have access to all the information immediately at any time Laycos could come in handy for you…

Without geographic barriers

A network with so many people as Laycos will also allow you to have all your departments communicated, sharing experiences and working on common projects from different areas, in different countries.

Conclusion: Can you imagine all those departments and people collaborating and innovating at the same time? No, Laycos is still not for you. 😀

Cloud Service

Any implementation of a new project of this magnitude would require an additional cost of installation and infrastructure, but Laycos uses cloud and is absolutely not expensive, besides, they have their own developers and teams how will give you support and help.

Conclusion: If you prefer to spend money on your own infrastructure, installation, software or developers, you can do this on your own course. Laycos was not made for you.

So relax, you don't have to implement a corporate social network, you can continue living in your comfort zone, and see how the world changes in front of your eyes. While hundreds of companies already started to change, you can work as always on a piece of paper and true email.