Events work communication, Social network

Laycos is 7 years old!

Did you know that Laycos is already 7 years old? It all started in Spain, at a company called MHP Time Control, they were looking for a communication tool for their company but none of them really had the features that they were looking for, so they said: Well, let's make our own tool!


The history

They had the manpower to do it, so they did! They started from zero and made something so special without knowing that other companies also wanted this tool.


MHP had more and more clients, which sometimes overwhelmed their Customer Service. It was a neverending list of email and phone calls, so they started looking for alternative solutions and came up with the concept of Corporate Social Network

Without mentioning any "names", they tried some of the most famous corporate social networks, but none managed to provide a complete solution.


The reality today is that, with the help of MHP and its customers, the first to use Laycos and the main 'guilty' of continuing to grow, we are a company that has flown from the nest a long time ago.

Those who used Laycos to communicate with the Call Center of MHP at the beginning of the time, were the same ones who were asking: Can I have this in my company?


The future

The future we visualize has more happy companies, because with the help of Laycos they have managed to solve communication and organization problems. Companies that have time to address other types of projects, which will make them grow.


And to reach that future we will continue working, putting ourselves in the shoes of those people who wonder, if there should not be something in the market that allows them to be more productive and have time for more exciting challenges. Something that reduces internal communication failures that can be so expensive for companies, something ... that something exists ;-)

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Sobre Laycos International

  • Spain